Order TradeSim, Get The Cheapest Price & Receive $99 In Bonuses!

Please note: We are registered TradeSim resellers and, as such, you receive support/upgrades directly from Compuvision, just as if you had purchased from their website. The only difference is the cheaper price and extra bonuses. Click here to purchase TradeSim

Have you read our tradesim article yet? If not, click here to read it now. I have also posted some quick start tradesim videos here. Please also visit the TradeSim/Compuvision website and check out their software more thoroughly click here.

Next you need to decide what version is right for you (click here for more info) and once you have decided to purchase TradeSim, be sure you order through at this website and here's why...

You'll get TradeSim at a cheaper price and I’ll include some great bonuses valued @ $99!

I've put this offer together for one simple reason: I believe that every trader should own TradeSim. So, here's what I'm offering when you purchase TradeSim...

Bonus #1 - Stu & Dave Mp3 Audio Interviews 3+ Hours
(Valued @ $59)

As part of another project Stuart and I were working on we had our subscribers send in their biggest, most pressing trading questions and we answered live on a phone call.

There is over 3 hours of content, covering some awesome trading tips, tricks and strategies.

I'm the good looking guy on the left ;-)

We answer questions like:

  • When do I exit a trade ? It seems fairly easy to get in a trade and find stocks that rise, but when should I get out before seeing my profits vanish?

  • Isn't everything we need to know, shown in a chart (price bars/ volume/ trends/ patterns) and aren't all the other indicators just gimmicks?

  • Why do you teach instead of trading your own account and using the rest of your time for leisure?

  • Why are there so many trading methods out there, but so few work?
  • Plus there were lots more...

    Bonus #2 - $40 Discount Voucher

    Should you decided to purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide, MetaStock DVD, MetaStock Formula Center, Triple Your Trading Profits DVDs or any one of our other great products, simply let us know you're a TradeSim owner, and we'll knock $40 off the recommended retail price.

    In short, this bonus is the next best thing to cash!

    hat's the difference between versions?

    Here's the breakdown:

    The Standard Edition - is the entry level version of TradeSim and it leaves out some of the basic statistics
    (e.g. draw down, Risk/Reward Ratio, etc.)

    The Professional Edition -
    contains a fully functioning back-testing simulator. It's main drawback is that there is no Monte Carlo analysis (see definition below).

    The Enterprise Edition -
    contains a fully functioning back-testing simulator with all the trimmings (includes Monte Carlo analysis).

    For Compuvision's full comparison click here.

    What is monte carlo analysis?

    Without getting into too much detail, let's look at an example... let’s say your system had 2 buy signals and it could only afford to take 1 position (due to lack of capital), without the Monte Carlo edition, TradeSim would randomly pick one of these and display the results accordingly.

    So, without the Monte Carlo analysis you receive a single outcome, generally the most likely or average scenario.

    Conversely, with Monte Carlo analysis any system test simulation is automatically analyzed over 10,000 times, thereby giving the effect of varying inputs (i.e. the random selection of those stocks) on outputs of the system. This gives you a much greater insight into the performance of your system in real-time trading.

    If you're trading a short term system it is highly recommended to utilize TradeSim's monte carlo feature.

    Which version do I recommend?

    The Professional Edition for a couple of reasons.

    Firstly, and unfortunately, the Standard Edition excludes some of the basic essential statistics.

    Secondly, although the Enterprise Edition is the best, if you can afford it, some people see it as financially out of reach.

    The Professional Edition however, is right in the middle and will achieve excellent back-testing results with all the information you require to make an informed decision.

    If you are trading a short term system you really should get teh Enterprise Edition.

    Can I upgrade at any time?

    Yes, and all you'll only ever pay the difference between versions.

    How is TradeSim deilvered?

    TradeSim is sold and delivered in pure electronic format. This reduces costs by eliminating bulky materials, postage and handling. It also facilitates easy upgrades and software maintenance, which is free for the first 12 months after the date of purchase.

    Since all orders are processed by Compuvision it can take up to 3 business days for TradeSim to be delivered.

    If you have any questions please send me an email click here.

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