"Who Else Wants To Download My Private Collection Of 1086+ Profit Making
MetaStock Formulas?”

the past 5 years, I've been quietly testing, tweaking, and
fine-tuning some of the most profitable MetaStock formulas
used these formulas to design trading systems that return
anywhere from 10% to 200% p.a.
now, I'd like to share them with you. |
David Jenyns - MetaStock Pro
Monday 9.20pm - Melbourne, Australia.
is just a quick letter to let you in on the biggest MetaStock
secret I know. But, before
I reveal my secret weapon...
Did you know I’ve been coaching, coding and writing about
MetaStock for 10 years now? It makes my head spin just thinking
about it.
It's no secret
that, through my own research and by working with hundreds of coaching
clients, I've been privy to some amazing indicators, expert advisors,
explorers and trading systems.
The real secret is that, over the years, I've been quietly collecting every piece
of formula I could get my hands - in fact, I've now
collected over 1086 formulas!
As you could imagine, with so many formulas, I needed a way to store and organise them all - using MetaStock just wasn't going to cut it.
With no solution in sight, I set my programmer to work...
After months
of development, my programmer designed a system to my exact specifications.
Sure it cost me a pretty penny to get it done, but it was well worth
it... my massive formula collection now has a home 
the MetaStock Formula Center 3.0
By A MetaStock User, For MetaStock Users
there’s a solution to backup, search, sort and managing your
formulas, external to MetaStock.
Compatible with all versions of MetaStock & made for:

XP, Vista & 7. |
Here To Download Your Copy.
This powerful, yet light, program is guaranteed to:
Organize your MetaStock formulas like never before – find
what you want, when you want it!
Help you build profitable trading systems. With
over 1086 formulas you're sure to find the code you're looking for
- never again agonize over coding errors - simply copy what already
Speed up MetaStock by storing formulas external
to Metastock. Have you ever noticed the more formulas you load into
MetaStock the slower it runs? Not any more!
Backup your valuable MetaStock formulas, avoiding the possibility
of MetaStock crashing and losing all your profitable formulas.
Increase the value of your investment in MetaStock by using Metastock's
most powerful component, its flexible formula language. Most people
never use MetaStock to it's full potential simply because they don't
have their own profitable formula collection - you can use this as your trading edge!
Best of all, it's
just soo easy to use...
Here's a sneak peak at the MetaStock
Formula Center 3.0 dashboard.
here to download your copy.
Is This The Biggest, Most Profitable, Collection
of MetaStock Money Making Formulas Available?
To be clear, some of the formulas I’ve
collected are pretty average. There are others that have fantastic
potential. And then there's some that are as good as gold!
You just need to sort the diamonds from the rough.
With this collection
of formulas, it’ll be like you’re sitting at my personal
computer with complete unrestricted access to my entire MetaStock
formula library. Can you imagine it?
You'll get my entire life's work.
just a few of the indicators, explorations, experts advisors and
systems contained within the MetaStock Formula Center 2.0:
52 Week Hi-Lo Exploration
Advance Decline Line with Negative Volume
ATR Trailing Stop Loss
Automatic Support and Resistance Trading System
ADX with Stochastic Signals
Alan Hull's Rate of Return Indicator
Barnes' Adaptive Forecast
Bollinger Band Confirmation
Base Channel System
Bottom Reversal
Breakout signals
Buy Trigger Trading System
Break Above Last Peak
CCI Spike Trading System
CCI Fibonacci Peak Exploration
Closing Above 60 Day Highs
Congestion Index
Cyclical System
Coppock Curve
Double Key
Dynamic BreakOut System I
Double Tops and Double Bottoms
Williams Trading System
Ehlers Distant Coefficient Filter Expert
EMA Cross System
Expansion Pivots Buy
Genesis of a Simple Futures Trading System
Gann High Low
Fibonacci Ratios and Momentum
Forecast Oscillator
Historical Volatility Daily
Hybrid Indicator
How to Filter out Dead Stocks
Investor Preference Index
IFT - Intelligent Futures Trading Exploration
J2L Trading System
Jeff Cooper's Exploration's
Keltner Bands - ATR
Kase Dev Stop Expert
KA Money Flow System
Linear Regression Line Motion #1
Lone Ranger
Linear Regression System
Moving Average Crossover - Bullish
Maximum Profit System I
MACD Crossover Buy Signal
Money Flow Index
Negative Closes & Down Days
North Price Action Line
Open Difference
Overbuy /Oversell
Rising Darkness
RSI Bullish & Bearish Divergence Exploration
Panic Selling
Psychology Index
Random Walk Index
RSI Divergence Exploration
SAR Exploration
Special Trix
Simple Channel
Support and Resistance
Stock Rhythm System
True Range Formula
TSF Optimised Trading System
Triple MA I Exploration
Trendline Formula
Ultimate Signal Generator I
Uptrend / Downtrend Signals
Volatility Breakout System
Volatility % Indicator
Volume Accumulation Percentage
Weekly Pivot Point
Weekly TRIX Moving Average Test
William's %R bas.
Year to Date Gain/Loss (Percent)
Zigzag Validity Indicator
Zig Zag Expert
Zero Lag EMA Exploration
And don't forget there's 1000+ more! It's official, you'll have the largest collection of MetaStock formula in existence.
total there are...
830 Indicators ready for you to cut and
120 Explorations to utilise MetaStock's
most powerful tool.
Expert Advisors perfect to use, edit or model.
Systems ready to start testing.
Click here
to download all 1086 formulas!
Order now and receive an additional 3 bonuses.
1# - MFC 3 Video Tutorials(valued
@ $47)
just completed some new training videos that will
not only show you how to get the most out of the
MetaStock Formula Center 3.0 but also how to get
the most out your trading systems.
Watch me live as I reveal some trading tips and
trick that I'm sure you didn't even know existed. |
Note: These videos aren't availiable
anywhere else - they're exclusively for MetaStock Formula
Center 3.0 owners.
#2 - The
Original Darvas Story (valued @ $37)
Have you read the story of Nicholas Darvas and how he made
2 million dollars in the stock market? I
have spent hours studying this story and to this day
I still trade using this system.
will receive both the original manuscript and MP3 audios.
This product is sold on another website for $37 (www.darvassecrets.com),
but you will get it as a free bonus.
#3 - Systems Design Interview (valued @ $37)
McAboy and I recorded a discussion we had
on designing entry systems.
chatting exclusively on how we design profitable entry
signals, including rules of thumb anyone can follow guaranteed
to improve your trading success.
We even revealed our
own personal entry systems! |
What's It Going To Cost You?
you're thinking the price is going
to be really expensive. The fact is,
I have already paid to get this software made. I needed it for myself
and I’ve already loaded it up with my most profitable formulas.
So, when you think about it, it’s not really going to cost
any more to let you download a copy.
You can download your copy right now for only $147USD. That’s
cheaper than the brokerage on half a month's trading.
But Is The MFC3.0 Really That Good?
Don't take my word for it. Here's what a other MetaStock users, just like you, had to say:
"The Metastock Formula Centre gives the average trader the ability to utilise a much greater capacity within the Metastock software. Having a pre-existing set of samples to reference and launch off each time is both time saving and empowering. If you forget some coding just go back to the MFC and see how someone else has approached the problem. A great product that bridges the gap between the off the shelf Metastock and real world application."
- Paul McMillan - Equity Analyst - Dublin
"I have found MFC to be a fantastic tool for developing my own Indicators, Explorers and Advisors for use in Metastock. Using the MFC "Search" function I find something similar to what I want to do then cut and paste the relevant parts of the MFC codes into my own code and then modify it to get my required result."
- K.J. Skinner
"I justed wanted to send you a quick thank you regarding Metastock Formula Center. MFC has been an extremely valuable trading tool for me. MFC has allowed me to expand & organize my catalog of Metastock: indicators, expert advisors, explorations, & systems with ease. Thank You for a great piece of software!"
- Craig Hendrickson - Denver, Colorado
"The MFC is very useful. The central storage of these formulas makes it
convenient to track my collection of formulas. In addition, the huge number
of formulas provided has saved me many hours of searching websites to find
new ideas. This software should be used by every MetaStock owner. Thanks
- Dan Skawinski
" I think the latest upgrade was well organized and very useful. Meaning one can quickly find the information they are looking for. I will share a link
to your website with a few of my friends. Thanks again for the Metastock Programming Study Guide. It definitely speeded up my learning to use
Metastock by several years (seriously)."
- Jesse Eiland
"I have had a play with it and found it to be extremely useful and well designed and developed. It was very simple and quick to navigate and use. The ability to copy direct to my clipboard is a very useful feature. It displayed no sluggishness and responded very quickly on my system. In short it is a very powerful enhancement to use with MetaStock which I will be using extensively in my trading. Some of the indicators and explorations are just what I need. I have no hesitation in recommending this product."
- Anibal, Orlando Figueiredo
"Metastock Formula Center is an awesome piece of software for Metastock users. It speeds up the learning curve and allow users a "one stop platform" to test and to try out the various indicators, explorations, expert advisors and systems. Well done David"
- Joe Chua, Singapore
"I would like to say that I have been trading now for a number of years using Metastock, which I thought was a great program, but since downloading your Metastock Programming Study Guide, I find that I had not been using Metastock to its full extent. Metastock Programming Study Guide together with Metastock Formula Centre, not only makes life easier but also more profitable, great stuff David, Thank you."
- Barry Ganter
"Thanks, I love the Formula centre and have used it often in the development
of systems, research and coding help. I find it easy to use and very
comprehensive, it really covers just about everything and is a great help!"
- PJ Sutherland
"Your Metastock Formula Center is fantastic. So many formulas together still stimulate me to find those I can use best. Many thanks again!"
- Bernard Bokel
"MetaStock Formula Center is the 'one stop shopping' answer for non-technical traders."
- Francis X. Werzinger Jr.
"All the info I have obtained from your web sites are excellent including the MFC. I use it everyday as it is so easy to obtain what you need with only a few clicks of the mouse and you have it in Metastock. Thanks for the great products and keep it going."
- Pierre van Wyk - South Africa
"I find the MFC 3.0 a valuable adjunct to Metastock and would not
be without it, MFC 3.0 is reasonably priced and well worth the cost due to
the time saved ease of use."
- Robert Begg
"I am using MFC 3.0 and my first impression is very very good! It is more clean and very complete! Congratulations and thank you!"
- Alexandre Pyrrho
"It is a must have program if you owns MetaStock. Such program really ease your task of building an Indicators,Explorations and Expert Advisors. It also enhance your ability to learn how to build the various systems. I strongly recommended to user of MetaStock. It is perfectly useful and affordably."
- Alfred Lee
"I have found the current version both extremely helpful & valuable in my ever evolving tinkering & fine tuning to my technical trading methods. Thank you & best wishes"
- Glenn
"The MetaStock Formula Center is simply like an encyclopedia!"
- Clarence
"I just want to say thanks again for this great resource, it expands the capability of metastock quite dramatically, and often helps me out of jams when i am stuck with programming something."
- Stan Lee
And If That Wasn't Enough? Here's My Guarantee.
say "yes" right now. Just say "maybe."
Let me
send you the entire MetaStock Formula Center 3.0 via immediate
download and if you don’t like the package for any reason,
just return it within 60 days and I’ll refund
100% of your purchase price – no questions asked.
gives you plenty of time to review ALL the formulas, ask questions,
and even make your first investment before you ever have to decide
if this is right for YOU!
is NO RISK whatsoever.
The Bottom Line.
What good is MetaStock without a good collection of profit-making formula? MetaStock is driven by its formula and so the
MetaStock Formula Center 3.0 really is a fantastic addition to
anyone’s MetaStock toolbox.
It's easy to get started, just order below and you can have immediate
access to my formula collection. From there, you just cut and paste
the code as you want. It couldn’t be easier.
Dave! I'm
Ready To Download The MetaStock Formula Center 3.0!
$147 USD
Order Via Credit Card Or Paypal
24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
use “Clickbank” to process our orders as they
are the world’s biggest and arguable the safest
on-line banking system.
They process most credit cards plus PayPal.
is an independent payment processor that is not directly
associated with our website. This ensures your details
are kept 100% private and secure at all times.
privacy statement
If you expereince any difficulties ordering via clickbank
please click
here email us and we can arrange an alternative payment
I hope you're in a position to take advantage of the fantasic
MetaStock Coach,

David Jenyns
Professional Trader, Author & Coach!
You’ll never again suffer through the pain and
hassle of trying to write your own original formulas. Now, you
can get everything all done for you, practically handed to you
on a silver platter. You simply cut and paste... and you’re
P.P.S. When you consider my coaching
rate is $220per hour and that it took me over 1657 hours to put
this package together, you could say that this package is worth
over $364,540... but you won't pay that much. Get it for less
than a month's worth of brokerage!
Information & Disclaimers
I reserve the right to stop selling this package at
any time. Due to the fact that the information disclosed
on the package is so valuable, this package will not
be available forever. I also need to limit the number
of copies that are released.
MetaStock Formula Center is a collection of MetaStock
formulas, and therefore, no consideration can or is
made toward your financial circumstances. All formulas
presented within are not to be regarded as investment
advice, but for general informational purposes only.
does involve risk, so caution must always be utilized.
We cannot guarantee profits or freedom from loss. You
assume the entire cost and risk of any trading you choose
to undertake. You are solely responsible for making
your own investment decisions.
formula can guarantee profits. The risk of loss exists
in all trading.
recommend consulting with a registered investment advisor,
broker-dealer, and/or financial advisor. If you choose
to invest with or without seeking advice from such an
advisor or entity, then any consequences resulting from
your investments are your sole responsibility.
Copyright www.meta-formula.com 2011
is a registered trademark of Equis International.